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What does Financial Coaching look like?OnTrack Financial coaching will not look like a marriage counseling session, where you have to open up about your innermost feelings. Or a financial advisor’s meeting, where your numbers are more important than you are. It will look like two friends, talking to each other, looking for solutions to your financial situation. As a Financial Coach, I will be a guide who will show you how to get OnTrack and stay OnTrack with your finances. We will get to know each other and the extent of your current financial situation. We want to know how you got to this point, but we will not dwell on the past. Then, we will make a new plan together to help you regain control of your finances. This will take a little coaching as you discover positive financial decisions on your own and secure your path to reducing stress and increasing hope.
What are the first steps to getting started?Starting your financial coaching with OnTrack is very easy. First, schedule your free, 30-minute phone consultation to determine your needs and the scope of our Financial Coaching sessions – frequency and duration. All calls are confidential.
What happens when I decide to move forward with coaching?We will discuss how many coaching sessions are best (see Plans in this website) and over what period of time. Your first session will be scheduled once you have completed the client agreement, made payment, and have filled out the Financial Snapshot Form. We can have our coaching sessions over the phone, via an online video conference (like Zoom), or face-to-face in the San Diego area (extra fees may apply).
How do I prepare for my first session?In addition to the Financial Snapshot Form, I may ask you to collect any credit card statements, car notes. and school loan information (if applicable), to fill out the finer details of this form. Once submitted, I may send you some other, simple forms to get a better picture of your current financial situation. This may include a budget and spending form.
What will happen during my first coaching session?By the time we have our first session, I will have already reviewed your completed forms. We will discuss each aspect of your finances. My role is to listen, to encourage, and to provide you with some basic guidelines toward successful solutions, tailored to your unique situation. Together we will discover action steps that you agree to follow to move you toward financial freedom and peace. The first session will last from 1 ½ - 2 hours with follow-on sessions typically being shorter.
What happens after my coaching session?You will be implementing the action steps that you committed to during the session. Not all problems can be solved in one or two sessions, sometimes it takes more, but we will get you on the RIGHT TRACK and in the RIGHT DIRECTION. Like any serious change, we have to keep our eyes on the goals of increasing financial stability and reducing stress, and I am here to guide you.
How do I pay for coaching when I live paycheck to paycheckAs an OnTrack Financial Coach, I will give you individual attention based on your current situation to bring calm and peace. Most clients will be able to recoup the cost of the coaching sessions in the first months just by following some simple action steps. Using a Financial Coach will get you off on the right track to change your financial future, relieve personal stress, improve the quality of relationships, and put you in control of your money. A payment plan is available for those who choose the 12-month plan. Payment is made via Venmo.
How do I pay for the coaching fees?I accept payments via Venmo, directly from your own bank account. As a Ramsey Master Financial Coach, we do not accept credit cards. The amount per 90-120-minute session depends on how many sessions you sign up for.
What is the difference between a financial advisor and a financial coach?I used to confuse these two titles. Perhaps you have also? Here are my brief descriptions. A Financial Advisor focuses on your long-term investments and your long-term retirement portfolio. They usually manage your assets and help you increase your retirement funds through stocks and bonds. I can refer you to my trusted partners. As an OnTrack Financial Coach, I work with you, to guide you to make wise decisions so that you can improve your skills to manage your own money. We talk about basic money management topics such as saving for everyday emergencies, becoming debt-free, tracking monthly spending, retirement planning, and much more. The goal is to get you to reduce your financial stress and increase your financial peace.
If I am not married, would I benefit from Financial Coaching from OnTRACK?"Absolutely. Every independent adult needs financial freedom and control, regardless of marital status. Young, single individuals can benefit from my coaching by starting their life on the right track - and not get sidetracked. They can develop good financial habits in the early stages of their lives, which will help them later on. Divorced individuals might need help with their financial decisions, as they are already coping with a lot of change. For co-dependent couples, divorce also means a substantial loss of household income. In addition, the emotional and lifestyle challenges of a divorce can trigger some bad financial decisions. And the individuals may need help in facing the repercussions of those decisions. Widows/widowers may need to rethink and remake their financial plans, especially if there is an extended family involved. And with my coaching, they may make a better support plan for or with their family.
Do I have to buy any extra resources when I agree to have coaching sessions?No. You do not need to purchase any additional resources, books, or training material when you are working with me. Also, as a Ramsey Master Financial Coach, my job isn’t to sell you financial products like insurance, it’s to help you develop healthy money habits and make better financial decisions.
What is the difference between small group financial stewardship classes and Financial Coaching?Small group classes aim to provide you with an overview of what financial responsibility is, and what methods you can follow, It’s a general course, intended to help every attendee, up to a certain degree. But financial coaching is different. It converts theory into actual practice, and it's different for everyone. As your financial coach, I will help you create a financial plan, specific to your situation. With the steps I teach you in our coaching sessions, you will learn how to meet your greatest financial challenges head-on and win. This is the most comprehensive and effective way to fight your personal financial chaos and restore peace and order in your life.
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